Saturday, December 5, 2009

I've come to realize

That people seek people who approve of their bad behavior. Mary Jane* and Spiderman* have only become closer to encourage negative behavior in one another. They both lack the desire and motivation to do anything that doesn't entertain them. So instead they accept each others bullshit excuses. I expected that from Spiderman but I at least thought Mary Jane was innocent. But see they're the type of people that don't amount to anything in life because they aren't willing to put forth any effort to achieve any sort of long term goals. Mary Jane wants to be a lawyer I believe. Too bad her ass is going to be right at Sac City Community College and working at Starbucks until she gets knocked up and shacks up with her baby daddy. I have no clue what Spiderman is going to do with his life except become an alcholic. But that's alright. That's okay. They're going to pump my gas some day. Until then, I'm going to risk it to get the biscuit.

- Unsincerley Jay

* names have been changed to protect the innocent

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Things I Hate #2: Thanksgiving

So first of all, it's just another fake ass holiday. We all know now that the Indians and the pilgrims were not close friends kickin it over some corn so that rules out that as a plausible reason for celebration. And aren't we supposed to be thankful for things every day, not just one random ass day of the year? What kind of shit is that?

But we haven't even gotten into my personal disdain for the holiday. I absolutely hate thanksgiving. I hate the food. I hate people and their bad ass kids coming over to my house. I hate people questioning why I'm not eating. Like forreals, just fuck you. Leave me the hell alone. And then today of all days, my mom has decided is more important than college apps. Seriously ma, thanksgiving will be here next year, college apps won't and neither will I. I'm not fucking coming home for thanksgiving ever in college. It's a stupid holiday and I hate it. So I'm going to stay my ass in the dorms with good movies and snacks. Hell, thats what I plan on doing today. I'm going to stay in my room with a bunch of snacks and movies while I write admissions essays. No I don't want to come down and say hi. I'm slapping a do not disturb sign on the door and calling it a day.

- College bound Jay

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Why try to fix what you keep breaking

I'm getting so tired of this shit. What is this? So you talk all this shit about how you want everyone to be cool again and then the moment I go home, you turn around and make plans and not even include me. What the fuck is that? Do I have any mall money right now? No, but did you even bother including me?No. You didn't even ask. That's some bullshit and then you want to turn around and act like it was all good when you talk about it. DON'T LEAVE ME OUT OF SHIT AND THEN TRY AND PLAY LIKE IT WAS MY FAULT. I'm so fucking tired of this. Like forreal. We can't be cool if its going to be. Why would you do me like that? Why would you just intentionally leave me out of shit? I've tried being friends with you and its like fuck it. You honestly don't care. I don't care what you say. I don't care what B says. So we'll just keep going on with this fake shit. I see why J left. Its real clear.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Things I hate #1: My Last Name

I have a very pretty name except for that stupid hyphenated last name of mine. It pisses me off. Its ugly and I hate it. Instead of my intials being JJJ, they're JJGJ. So of course instead of using the G name, I just use J as my last name. I write it on homework assignments. Its how I introduce myself. Its on my social security card. Any award I receive is engraved Jaylyn J. So it irks me to the very core when people use my full last name. It breaks my heart that I can't be Jaylyn J in the yearbook, and my graduation will be ruined if I have to walk across the stage announced as Jaylyn G-J. I CAN NOT stand when people who know me and know I don't like to be called Jaylyn G-J call me that. Take for instance D, he feels the need to call me Jaylyn G-J after I have repeatedly asked him not to do so. Its shit like that that really grinds my gears. So anyone who wants to speak to me can call me Jaylyn J. Anyone who refers to me as Jaylyn G-J will be ignored.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Blog That Shit

This is my place to be real and uncensored. Fuck a livejournal or a deadjournal, xanga and everything. I'm just going to be me and rant my ass off.